Multimedia Facilities @ EP・
Conference on the Future of Europe - Plenary・
What is an MEP? - Multimedia Centre - European Parliament・
The European Parliament in a nutshell - Multimedia Centre・
Repair, re-use and recycle! - Multimedia Centre・
The Parliament near you - Multimedia Centre・
Press conference on the launch of the digital platform of the ...・
How the European Parliament works - Multimedia Centre・
Artificial intelligence: keeping humans at its heart・
Eureka: Building the European Union - Multimedia Centre・
The importance of the EU - Multimedia Centre・
Europe&*39;s digital future - Multimedia Centre・
Rule of Law and Media freedom in Greece: MEPs debate・
Microplastic pollution - Multimedia Centre・
Art in democracy exhibition - Multimedia Centre・
Voting session (part 2) | European Parliament Multimedia Centre・
Is the EU still relevant? | European Parliament Multimedia ...・
EP Plenary session (17-20/05): editing shots (exterior views)・
Parliamentary Questions Dashboard - Tutorial・
Multimedia Centre Streaming and Clipping tutorial・
What is the EU? - Multimedia Centre - European Parliament・
How can you connect with the European Parliament?・
Parliament&*39;s 2020 so far…・
Art in democracy exhibition - Multimedia Centre・
The EU democratic process in under 1 minute・
Autumn 2023: statement by Roberta METSOLA, EP President・
Parliament wants to end the illegal use of spyware・
Backstage: A smooth operation - Multimedia Centre・
Making the EU a better place to work - Multimedia Centre・
Parliament and the European Green Deal - Multimedia Centre・
European Parliament Eurobarometer - Autumn 2023・
Art in democracy exhibition - Multimedia Centre・
statement by Roberta METSOLA, the new elected President・
"The EU must not supply tools for torture" - Multimedia Centre・
Voting session, including Working conditions in platform work・
Explaining the committee - Multimedia Centre・
How To Download Content From EbS - Multimedia Centre・
Who selects the members of the European Commission?・
Art in democracy exhibition - Multimedia Centre・
How to get Media Accreditation to the European Parliament・
Plenary pushes forward citizens&*39; ideas for tomorrow&*39;s EU・
Formal sitting with Petr PAVEL, President of Czechia・
Ending homelessness in Europe - Multimedia Centre・
Art in democracy exhibition - Multimedia Centre・
"This is Europe" debate: address by Nikolay DENKOV ...・
COVID-19 - Lessons learned and recommendations for the ...・
State of the European Union Debate 2022 - Multimedia Centre・
Ukraine: One year on… - Multimedia Centre・
Conference on the Future of Europe: extracts from the ...・
The role of Members of the European Parliament・
What&*39;s in store for 2022? - Multimedia Centre・
EU-Taiwan political relations and cooperation: MEPs debate ...・
EU-Africa relations: opening statement by Josep BORRELL ...・
How To Use Multimedia Centre (MMC)・
Small and medium businesses breathe life into economy・
What are EU values? - Multimedia Centre・
Interview: Will Erasmus live on forever?・
Science-Media Hub to Help Combat Fake News・
Press conference by Roberta METSOLA, EP President ...・
statement by Roberta METSOLA, EP President・
History: The Mediterranean Enlargement 1981-1986・
Opening statement by Josep BORRELL FONTELLES・
The EU democratic process in under 1 minute・
EUXPlocalisation: BERLIN・
Foreign interference: &*39;The answer is more democracy&*39;・
European Media Freedom Act: MEPs debate (part 1)・
European Transparency Register - Multimedia Centre・
A stronger budget to get Europe back on its feet・
The right to disconnect from work - Multimedia Centre・
What&*39;s in store for the 2nd half of 2022? - Multimedia Centre・
Next 6 months in Parliament: the road to recovery・
Archives Content Analysis Dashboard - Multimedia Centre・
Securing critical raw materials for the EU&*39;s digital and green ...・
EP Plenary session (17-20/05): editing shots (interior views)・
Parliament pushes for new EU revenue sources・
The digital sphere: &*39;We are taking back control&*39;・
Parliament calls for urgent support for the creative sector・
Conference on the Future of Europe - Closing Event: Speech ...・
MEPs&*39; role in shaping EU rules - Multimedia Centre・
Broadcast Facilities @ EP - Multimedia Centre・
Parliament moves to help Europeans switch to clean energy・
What&*39;s in store for 2021? | European Parliament Multimedia ...・
EU response to the US Inflation Reduction Act: one round of ...・
The Conference on the Future of Europe kicks off in Strasbourg・
Broadcast and Multimedia facilities in a nutshell・
Decent and affordable housing for all: extracts from the debate ...・
How it works: European laws - Multimedia Centre・
Timeline: Europe and young people - Multimedia Centre・
statement by Peter LIESE (EPP, DE), Chair of the EP ...・
Conference on the Future of Europe: write your future・
Broadcast and Multimedia facilities in a nutshell・
History: The Treaty of Nice - Multimedia Centre・
Timeline: European climate action - Multimedia Centre・
Voting session (part 2) - Multimedia Centre・
Activities of the Frontex Scrutiny Working Group in LIBE ...・
EU climate law and targets: exchange of views. Opening ...・
Harnessing big data to deliver the services of tomorrow・
Strengthening the EU&*39;s disaster response - Multimedia Centre・
Migration, foreign policy: Citizens make recommendations in ...・
Energy prices: MEPs back help for European consumers and ... >>次へNext
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